The venue said it is 'committed to understanding what happened'
The O2 Academy Brixton has made its own decision to remain closed for a further three months following the death of two people after a crush during a concert in December. Mum-of-two Rebecca Ikumelo, 33, and Gaby Hutchinson, 23, died and many others were injured after a large crowd attempted to enter the venue on December 15, 2022.
The venue's licence is currently suspended until January 16 after a decision by Lambeth Council, but despite another licencing meeting planned for Monday (January 16), Academy Music Group (AGM), which runs the venue, has decided to remain closed for three more months, the BBC reports.
The venue was likely to have its licence suspension extended anyway at Monday's meeting. The Met Police said it was going use the meeting to call for the continued suspension of the premises licence, adding that it would "allow time to work with the venue to facilitate a safe reopening".
An AGM spokesperson told the BBC: "O2 Academy Brixton recognises the gravity of the events which occurred on the night of 15th December 2022 and expresses its sincere condolences to the families of those who died during the tragic incident and its genuine concerns for anyone affected by it.
"The licence holder (AMG) is committed to understanding what happened and co-operating with the various investigations that are under way including providing full cooperation to the police in the conduct of their inquiries."
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